
Treatment of hypertension to decrease rates of cardiovascular disease is the most well studied and most broadly applicable treatment in cardiovascular prevention. Blood pressure can be measured anywhere, not just in a physician's office; medications are readily available, inexpensive, and have highly favorable benefit/harm ratios with relatively minimal side effects; stepped medication regimens can be prescribed in algorithmic fashion by a variety of practitioners. Yet overall hypertension control rates in the US have never exceeded 60%, and the last 5-10 years have seen decreased, rather than increased, rates of control. Here, I describe the scale of this massive failure to deliver on the promise of preventive hypertension care; outline the populations most affected and the contemporaneous events that have impacted hypertension control; discuss the disparate paths of hypertension science and health care delivery; and highlight novel interventions, approaches, and future opportunities to bend the curve back toward improvements in hypertension control.

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