
Adrian Rushton (British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts. NG12 5GG) is seeking the two syntype specimens of the trilobite Lotagnostus trisectus (Salter, 1864) from the Upper Lingula Flags of Whiteleaved Oak, Malvern, described as Agnostus trisectus by Salter (1864, pl.l, fig.11, p.10; reproduced as Fig.2 here). Salter mentioned two specimens 'sent to Mr Tennant' who lent them to Salter. The Survey have a sealing-wax cast of the figured specimen (GSM 8768), 4.5mm long and 5.0mm wide, and feebly convex, so that the Tennant specimen must be an external mould. 'Mr Tennant' was presumably James Tennant FGS (1808-1881), the well-known dealer and Professor of Mineralogy and Geology at King's College, London (Cleevely p.285). Fig.2. Original description (A) and figure (B) of...

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