
Responses of human diploid cells, TIG-1, were examined with respect to their ability to initiate DNA synthesis under the influence of various growth factors and their combinations. The following agents stimulated DNA synthesis in quiescent TIG-1 cells at 37–49 PDL (population doubling level) (66–79% of lifespan completed): fetal bovine serum; tumor-derived DNA synthesis factors such as those from rat rhodamine fibrosarcoma, human adenoma and from the conditioned medium of cultured human pituitary cells; human and mouse epidermal growth factors; tumor promotors such as 12- O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate and teleocidin; microtubule-disrupting agents as colchicine. vinblastine, podophyllotoxin and TN-16; melittin; and dexamethasone. Cells at 58–60 PDL (94–97% of lifespan completed) were stimulated to synthesize DNA by fetal bovine serum, tumor-derived DNA synthesis factors ad epidermal growth factors, but not by other agents. Finally, in senescent cells at 62 PDL (100% of lifespan completed), any of these growth factors and of their combinations failed to induce DNA synthesis at all. These senescent cells, however, still retained the ability to initiate DNA synthesis following infection with SV40 as reported previously [ Exp. Cell Res., 143 (1983) 343–349].

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