
Alterations in hippocampal circuitry may underly age-related learning and memory impairment. We showed in a previous study that the GABA B-mediated slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) induced in CA1 pyramidal neurons by electrical stimulation of stratum radiatum, is depressed in the hippocampus of the aged rat. This could be due to alterations in GABAergic interneuron functions. We report in this study that the number of hippocampal calbindin-immunoreactive (CaBP-IR) GABAergic interneurons is decreased in the aged rat. The mean number of CaBP-IR interneurons per slice decreases by 50% in the aged rat. The most severe loss was observed in the stratum radiatum of CA1 (78%), with a less consistent loss of immunoreactivity in CA3 (35%). In contrast, the mean number of interneurons containing parvalbumin (PV), was not significantly decreased in the aged rat. Our results show a loss of CaBP immunoreactivity in a population of GABAergic interneurons, which might be related to an altered function of these interneurons and consequently of GABAergic synaptic transmission in the aged rat. In contrast, PV immunoreactivity in interneurons located close to the pyramidal layer does not decrease in the hippocampus of the aged rat.

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