
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has been suggested to play a role in acellular cementum formation and maintenance of periodontal attachment. In an attempt to determine whether changes in attachment level are associated with altered expression of ALP-activity in the periodontium we induced natural loss of attachment in rats by pinning the lower incisor to the jaw bone. Previous studies have shown that this procedure results in regressive changes in the marginal periodontium without any inflammatory response. Six months after blockage of eruption the attachment level on the experimental (right) side had shifted about 700 microm in the apical direction. On the control (left) side the apical termination of the junctional epithelium had remained stationary with respect to the alveolar crest. Our observations have shown that during the first few weeks of the experiment loss of attachment is accompanied by considerable reduction of ALP-activity in the supracrestal part of the periodontium. At later time intervals, however, no distinct relation was found between apical migration of junctional epithelium and loss of ALP-activity in the supracrestal region, indicating that the two phenomena are not directly related to each other. The domain of the ALP-positive fibroblasts in the supracrestal extension of the periodontal ligament decreased in size and was replaced by ALP-negative connective tissue cells probably coming from the outer gingival domain. Since at all time intervals a distinct demarcation could be observed between the ALP-positive and ALP-negative areas, we interpret our data as indicating that ligament and gingival cells do not mix.

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