
Losses in multifilamentary superconducting conductors depend both on internal magnetic field amplitude and its changing rate, which determine the magnetization of the sample during a field cycle. Analytical computation of hysteresis and coupling losses is possible whenever the internal field can be assumed to be equal to the external one; otherwise, approximate solutions for the internal field time dependence have to be assumed when the conductor time constants are comparable with field variation periods. The internal field profile, the changing rate and the losses associated to an external field rapidly varying as compared to the coupling time constant of a cable-in-conduit conductor solenoid, have been calculated. The results have been compared with the losses measured for various field amplitudes and ramp rates. The calculations showed that a `saturated regime' is reached during ramping up and down. In this situation, no more coupling currents can be activated in part of the conductor, as the external strands are saturated at I c, and the external field variations are followed by the internal field. Experimental evidence of the saturated regime is reported.

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