
1. Data show suicidal behavior often is precipitated by individuals' experience of loss by suicide. This article focuses on three potential links between the two phenomena (i.e., grief experienced by suicide survivors and familial risk factors for suicide; suicide clusters and pacts; consequences of mass media portrayals of suicide). 2. Suicide bereavement has certain typical characteristics that comprise the "suicide survivor syndrome" and may be linked with increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior. 3. Individuals' suicidal behavior and ideation can lead to suicide clusters (i.e., a group of suicides or attempts occurring close together in time and space) and pacts (i.e., mutual agreements between two people who promise to kill themselves at the same time, often in the same place). 4. Mass media portrayals of suicide may lead to imitative suicides (i.e., the "Werther effect").

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