
After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the New State was constituted. The different families which had concurred in supporting the cause of the rebelled militia against the Second Republic became what has been called Franco´s regime. It is from those war victorious families that became, without a doubt, unusually prominent the Falange, known as “the Movement” (from 1937 as “Traditionalist Spanish Falange” and of the “JONS (Committee of the National-Syndicalist Offensive)”, after its unification with the Carlists), which had turned from a minority fascist party to one of masses in the post-war period. The military triumph led them to try to impose their political ideology through culture and mass media. The representation of the war and the ideology of the Falange in the film industry is clearly going to show us its short life and its quick defeat against the conservatism of Franco´s regime, through a series of selected films arranging from Frente de Madrid —Carmen fra i rossi— (1940) to La prima Angelica (1974). Jose Antonio´s Falange won the war but got lost in the peace; therefore, it would focus on being the social base of Franco´s regime (through its feminine section), albeit divested of everything which made it the first Spanish fascist party.

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