
The types of birds preserved at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales in Buenos Aires. The Ornithology division of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ¨Bernardino Rivadavia¨ in Buenos Aires, holds twenty-eight type specimens of birds in the Colección Nacional Ornitológica. Of these, nine represent type species while the remaining nineteen represent type subspecies. These specimens are prepared as study skins, with the exception of three which are mounted for exhibition; details of which are given in each case. The types are listed in a systematic order at family level. Within each genus, species and subspecies are headed by their original denomination, and are listed in alphabetical order. This is followed by the bibliographical reference of the description and, where applicable, the synonym in current use. For every type, the catalogue number in the inventary of the Ornithology division is presented, along with the data presented on the specimen tag


  • 1,a division Ornitologia del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" de Buenos Aires, custodiaveintiocho ejemplares tipo de aves en la Colecci6n Nacional Omitoliir.,rica

  • En la lista de tipos que se adjunta, Qstosse enumeran en orden sistematico a nivel falnilia

  • Especiacidn en las sierras pampeanas de Cordoba y San Luis (Argentina),con descripcibn de siete nuevas subespecies de aves

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Dionedeaexulans georgia Mathews

S a n Luis, Sur, noviembre de 1915; colector, no indicado. Concaran,julio 9 de 1979, colector Manuel Nores. Datos del coiector: i':n montes chaco-pampeanos; Diomedella cauta aallantica Mathews pico negruzco, patas blancuzco rosiiceo. Oceanic birds of South Anieriea 1: 528, IIornero 2 (3): 225, agosto dc 1921 Santa Crut, fecha no ina ia boca dei rio de l a Plata; latitud sur 35" 44', aicada, pero h e adquirido por el Museo en el aiio longitud oeste 53". Ltohertson (Wellington, Nueva Zelanda), en su visita a1 Museo Argentino de Ciencias Natura- Familia PICIDAE les el 17 de junio de 1986

Tachyeres leucocephalas Humphrey y
Asthenes punensis brunnescens Nores e
Melanopareia mmimilianipullidu Nores e
Geosittapunensis Dabbene
Phvgilusplebejus nuroshyi
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