
This paper describes the analysis of the form, function and distribution of third person object clitic pronouns in the corpus PRESEEA-Medellín, and aims to widen the knowledge of clitic pronouns’ morphosyntactic variation in different Spanish varieties. Our findings show that the selection of the forms lo(s), la(s) and le(s) is determined by case, gender and number, independently of the animate/inanimate or continuous/discontinuous nature of the referent, which corresponds to the use of a case distinguishing system. The grammaticalization process of indirect object (IO) doubling is almost absolute (99%), and the depronominalization of le in presence of a canonic io shows an advanced degree, considering that in 61.5% cases the dative singular clitic le cooccured with a plural lexical IO in canonic position, a tendency reported for many other varieties of Spanish (see Fernández Soriano, 1999; Company, 2002; Huerta, 2005; Mojedano, 2014).

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