
The aim of this paper is lo study a fragment of Bede’s De Temporum Ratione (caps. 25-35), contained in the ms. Barcelona, ACA, Ripoll 225 ( saec. XI). These DTR excerpta from Ripoll are not included in the critical edition of Bede’s ecclesiastical computus texts made by Ch. W. Jones ( Bedae Opera de Temporibus , Cambridge, Mass., 1943, with a new edition of the same critical apparatus in the Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina , CXXIII B, Bedae Opera, Pars VI, 2 Opera Didascalica , Turnholt 1977). Our paper tries to study the readings of the Ripoll ms. in comparison with Jone’s edition, in order to put forward some improved variants. The paper also tries to come to certain conclusions about the relationship between the scriptorium of Ripoll and the other European scriptoria in which Bede’s DTR mss. were copied.


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