
The purpose of this study is to detect the framework of the bona of St. Augustine within the structure of the chapter on matrimony in the pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes. In order to do this it begins by studying the original meaning of the doctrine of the bona as found in the works of St. Augustine and St. Thomas (the sources quoted in this chapter of the document). What emerges as a result is the partial meaning conveyed in current ecclesiastical manuals. The study goes on to analyse each of the bona in the text of the document, taking into account the different versions of the text which preceded the definitive version, the changes which were made and the reasons for the changes, as recorded in the corresponding Relationes and Modi. Having verified the presence of the bona in the chapter, the study proceeds to determine the content of each of the bona according to the original meaning detected in the sources. Thus the bonum prolis includes the whole of the finality of matrimony. It does not just include procreation and the education of the children, but the whole intrinsic end of marriage. In this context it tries to determine whether or not conjugal love is presented by the Council as being a true end of marriage. The bonum fidei determines the real place of married life via the properties of unity and indisolubility which are inherent to it. Since christian marriage is the imago et participatio foederis dilectionis Christi et Ecclesiae, the bonum sacramenti raises the natural content of the above-mentioned bona to the level of being a participation and manifestation among men of the fertile union between Christ and his Church. The study brings out the fact that the framework or schema of the bona has been re-evaluated by the Council as being especially suitable for the pastoral exposition of the doctrine of matrimony, whilst at the same time it presents the ends and properties of marriage as related coordinates.

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