
Learning Object Repository (LOR) is a digital database which performs as a platform to store, retrieve, gather, edit, publish and maintain sets of learning objects. There are an enormous amount of LOR existed on the web and based on analysis conducted, it was discovered that in obtaining a particular learning object stored in every LOR, would require accessing each LOR in separately manner. This paper explains the mechanism that facilitates interoperability of Learning Object Repositories (LOR). The mechanism was designed to retrieve learning object from heterogeneous LOR by using semantic-interoperability framework utilizing metadata element. A prototype known as LORP is developed as a proof of concept to the mechanism established. LORP involves two main processes which are determining the metadata elements existed in every LOR and extracting these elements into one central repository, resulting in the development of one-stop search centre for learning objects. One-stop search centre for learning objects could retrieve learning object from various LOR and this would add values to the process of smart teaching where learning materials from various online LOR can be retrieved and shared using one search query on one occasion.

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