
Providing location recommendations becomes an important feature for location-based social networks (LBSNs), since it helps users explore new places and makes LBSNs more prevalent to users. In LBSNs, geographical influence and social influence have been intensively used in location recommendations based on the facts that geographical proximity of locations significantly affects users' check-in behaviors and social friends often have common interests. Although human movement exhibits sequential patterns, most current studies on location recommendations do not consider any sequential influence of locations on users' check-in behaviors. In this paper, we propose a new approach called LORE to exploit sequential influence on location recommendations. First, LORE incrementally mines sequential patterns from location sequences and represents the sequential patterns as a dynamic Location-Location Transition Graph (L2TG). LORE then predicts the probability of a user visiting a location by Additive Markov Chain (AMC) with L2TG. Finally, LORE fuses sequential influence with geographical influence and social influence into a unified recommendation framework; in particular the geographical influence is modeled as two-dimensional check-in probability distributions rather than one-dimensional distance probability distributions in existing works. We conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation for LORE using two large-scale real data sets collected from Foursquare and Gowalla. Experimental results show that LORE achieves significantly superior location recommendations compared to other state-of-the-art recommendation techniques.

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