
Lorca's poetry is founded upon a complex symbolical system of recurring motifs. This book analyses a number of those motifs as poetic signs through a contextual reading of <i>Libro de poemas</i> (1921) and <i>Diván del Tamarit</i> (1940) as the initial and final stages of Lorca's career. The sexual and religious crisis voiced in <i>Libro de poemas</i> achieves poetic articulation through the sign of the star, while the betrayal of childhood's fairytale is evidenced in the sign of the moon. <i>Diván del Tamarit</i> exemplifies the trancelike writing of the poetry of “opening up one's veins” as an activity developing between the desire for a word that will capture plenitude and the word's impenetrability to fix an impulse that, in itself, resists any determinacy.

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