
In this paper we compute the loop homology of bi-secondary structures. Bi-secondary structures were introduced by Haslinger and Stadler and are pairs of RNA secondary structures, i.e. diagrams having non-crossing arcs in the upper half-plane. A bi-secondary structure is represented by drawing its respective secondary structures in the upper and lower half-plane. An RNA secondary structure has a loop decomposition, where a loop corresponds to a boundary component, regarding the secondary structure as an orientable fatgraph. The loop-decomposition of secondary structures facilitates the computation of its free energy and any two loops intersect either trivially or in exactly two vertices. In bi-secondary structures the intersection of loops is more complex and is of importance in current algorithmic work in bio-informatics and evolutionary optimization. We shall construct a simplicial complex capturing the intersections of loops and compute its homology. We prove that only the zeroth and second homology groups are nontrivial and furthermore show that the second homology group is free. Finally, we provide evidence that the generators of the second homology group have a bio-physical interpretation: they correspond to pairs of mutually exclusive substructures.

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