
In the plant kingdom, the plasma membrane intrinsic aquaporins (PIPs) constitute a highly conserved group of water channels with the capacity of rapidly adjusting the water permeability (Pf) of a cell by a gating response. Most evidence regarding this mechanism was obtained by different biophysical approaches including the crystallization of a Spinaca olaracea PIP2 aquaporin (SoPIP2;1) in an open and close conformation. A close state seems to prevail under certain stimuli such as cytosolic pH decrease, intracellular Ca2+ concentration increase and dephosphorylation of specific serines. In this work we decided to address whether the state of phosphorylation of a loop B serine - highly conserved in all PIPs - combined with cytosolic acidification can jointly affect the gating response. To achieve this goal we generated loop B serine mutants of two PIP types of Fragaria×ananassa (FaPIP2;1S121A and FaPIP1;1S131A) in order to simulate a dephosphorylated state and characterize their behavior in terms of Pf and pH sensitivities. The response was tested for different co-expressions of PIPs (homo and heterotetramers combining wild-type and mutant PIPs) in Xenopus oocytes. Our results show that loop B serine phosphorylation status affects pH gating of FaPIP2;1 but not of FaPIP1;1 by changing its sensitivity to more alkaline pHs. Therefore, we propose that a counterpoint of different regulatory mechanisms - heterotetramerization, serine phosphorylation status and pH sensitivity - affect aquaporin gating thus ruling the Pf of a membrane that expresses PIPs when fast responses are mandatory.

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