
Abstract Introduction: Approach the questions about sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity and the free expression of them, opens a range of many possibilities that may guide us trough different paths. In this study, will be approached the questions related to the scientific publications after the National Integral Health Policy on Lesbians, Gays , Bisexuals, Transgender and Transsexuals (NIHP-LGBT). Objective: to analyze the publications about the LGBT population’s health after the implantation of their National Policy in 2011, and verify which aspects are being approached about the health assistance to this population. Methodology: it is a Literature’s Integrative Review, which bibliographic set happened between Setember and December 2015, though HVL (Health Virtual Libraryon the MEDILINE (Medical Literature Alanysis and Retrieval) data basis, LACSSH ( Latin American and Caribbean Social Sciences and Health ); SCIELO ( Scientific Eletronic Library Online ); the quest happened through the following descriptors at Health Science (HSD): health, sexuality and LGBT population with the following combination: health and LGBT population and sexuality and LGBT population. Were found 40 published articles between 2012 and 2015, then was done the abstracts and texts’ read integrally, thereby, were deleted the studies with no mention to the LGBT public, the repeated and those which data collection had happened before foundation of the National Integral Health Policy on LGBT people. From those, six articles fit the following inclusion criteria: articles, theses, dissertations and monographs with integral publication and in Portuguese. The obtained material results regarding the theme occurred though the material analysis and the frames-summaries construction. The results were described in two thematic categories: barriers to the LGBT health assistance and the fight for the LGBT people rights. Results: there are few advances in the fight for the LGBT people rights, a lot of barriers to this population health assistance even after the National Policy foundation. Conclusion : Was cleat, till the moment, poor effective the Brazilian legislation regarding the rights and duties of LGBT people on the social sphere and health sphere. There is a necessity of higher knowledge from the health professionals regarding this thematic and a higher quality, resoluteness and integrality at the assistance actions to this population health.

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