
Hannah Wilke is renowned for her witty and unapologetic presentations of self in performance, sculpture, painting, and photography, including S.O.S. Starification Object Series (1975), So Help Me Hannah (1978), and the Intra-Venus Series (1991–92). In 1975, Donald Goddard met Wilke while he was the managing editor of ArtNews, and they lived together as a couple until she died of cancer in 1993. Goddard recently completed the Intra-Venus Tapes (1990–93), an installation consisting of sixteen monitors and more than thirty hours of video footage from the last two-and-a-half years of Wilke's life. In this interview, Tina Takemoto speaks with Goddard about his life and work with Wilke as well as the emotional dimensions of grief and mourning involved in completing this project according to her wishes.

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