
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term oncologic outcome after oncoplastic surgery (OPS). OPS combines wide tumor excision with reduction mammoplasty techniques thus extending breast conserving surgery to large tumors that might else be proposed a mastectomy. Little data are available about the oncologic results for breast conserving surgery of these larger tumors. From January 2004 until March 2016, a total of 350 oncoplastic breast reductions were prospectively entered into a database. Patients were included if their breast reshaping included a reduction mammoplasty with skin excision (Level 2 oncoplastic techniques). Histologic subtypes were: invasive ductal carcinoma in 219 cases (62.6%), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in 88 cases (25.1%), and invasive lobular carcinoma in 43 (12.3%) cases. Seventy-three of the invasive cancers (27.9%) received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The mean resection weight was 177 grams. The mean pathological tumor size was 26 mm (range 0-180 mm) and varied from 23 mm (4-180 mm) for invasive cancers to 32 mm (0-100 mm) for DCIS. Specimen margins were involved in 12.6% of the cases; 10.5% of invasive ductal, 14.7% of DCIS, and 20.9% of invasive lobular. The overall breast conservation rate was 92% and varied from 87.4% for DCIS to 93.5% for the invasive cancers. Thirty-one patients (8.9%) developed one or more postoperative complications, inducing a delay in postoperative treatments in 4.6% of patients. The median follow up was 55 months. The cumulative 5-year incidences for local, regional, and distant recurrences were 2.2%, 1.1%, and 12.4%, respectively. Oncoplastic breast reductions allow wide resections with free margins and can be used for large cancers as an alternative to mastectomy.

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