
Fagus sylvatica (beech) dominates the montane forests of the Apennines and builds old-growth high-conservation value stands. However, recent severe drought-induced diebacks raise concern on the future persistence of these forests and of Southern European mesophilous woodlands overall, growing at their dry edge. To explore the history of Apennine beech-dominated forests, we draw on the multiproxy paleoecological record from Lago Verdarolo, which includes a robust vegetation-independent temperature reconstruction. Numerical techniques are used to investigate the drivers of long-term Mediterranean mountain forest dynamics. Specifically, we focus on disentangling the ecological factors that caused the shift from high-diversity mixed forests to beech-dominated stands and on assessing the occurrence of legacy effects on present-day forests. Abrupt climate change largely drove vegetation dynamics during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene. Species-rich mixed Abies alba (silver fir) forests dominated about 10,500—5500 years ago, under rather dry and warmer-than-today conditions (+ 1—2 °C) and limited fire occurrence. Cooler and moister summers and increasing fire activity caused declines in several fire-sensitive temperate deciduous trees (for example, Ulmus, Tilia, Fraxinus) and favored the establishment of fir-beech forests around 5500 years ago. Further enhancement of fire activity and farming around 2000 years ago led to local Abies alba extinction and forest impoverishment. We conclude that the currently widespread monospecific Apennine beech forests are the result of multi-millennial land-use intensification superimposed on Late Holocene cooling and moistening. Given their higher drought-tolerance compared to beech stands, reviving ancient species-rich mixed fir forests represents a feasible and ‘tested’ possibility to adapt forests to climate change.


  • Global change, including human-induced climatic change and rapid shifts in land-use, is posing serious threats to forest ecosystems and diversity and urging the adoption of adaptation and mitigation measures across Europe (Thuiller and others 2005; Garcıa-Valdes and others 2015; Ruiz-Benito and others 2017)

  • The paleoecological record of Lago Verdarolo starts around 14,700 cal BP, this age must be taken with caution because the age-depth model relies on extrapolation for the basal section of the sedimentary sequence (Figure S1)

  • The initial replacement of steppe-tundra or alpine meadows with wooded vegetation around Lago Verdarolo from around 14,700 to 13,700 cal BP (Figures 2, S2) was most likely a response to the rapid and abrupt warming at the onset of the Bølling/Allerød interstadial (+ 2.5—3 °C according to chironomidbased temperature reconstructions from the neighboring southern Alps ( 250 km away; Samartin and others 2012a, b)

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Global change, including human-induced climatic change and rapid shifts in land-use, is posing serious threats to forest ecosystems and diversity and urging the adoption of adaptation and mitigation measures across Europe (Thuiller and others 2005; Garcıa-Valdes and others 2015; Ruiz-Benito and others 2017). Climate change impacts are predicted to be severe on stands dominated by temperate mesophilous and boreal tree species in the Mediterranean peninsulas, at the dry edge of their distribution ranges (Piovesan and others 2008; Galiano and others 2010; Gazol and others 2015) In this context, the Apennines are home to highly diverse forests (Vacchiano and others 2017) dominated by many European temperate and boreal tree species that reach here the southern limit of their distribution ranges (San-Miguel-Ayanz and others 2016). The Apennines are home to highly diverse forests (Vacchiano and others 2017) dominated by many European temperate and boreal tree species that reach here the southern limit of their distribution ranges (San-Miguel-Ayanz and others 2016) Such species are experiencing growth decreases associated to ongoing climate change (Piovesan and others 2008; Gazol and others 2015). Some valuable contributions on the disturbance ecology of Apennine forests exist

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