
AbstractThe last 20 years have seen revolutionary developments of large-scale synoptic surveys of the sky, both from the ground (e.g., the MACHO and OGLE projects, which were targetted at micro-lensing studies) and in space (e.g., the X-ray All-Sky Monitor onboard RXTE). These utilised small and medium-sized telescopes to search for transient-like events, but they have now built up a huge database of long-term light-curves, thereby enabling archival research on a wide range of objects that has not been possible hitherto. This is illustrated with examples of long time-scale optical and X-ray variability studies from the field of X-ray binary research: the high-mass BeX binaries in the SMC (using MACHO and OGLE), and the bright galactic-bulge X-ray sources (mostly LMXBs, using RXTE/ASM). As such facilities develop greater capabilities in future and at other wavelengths (developments in South Africa will be described), real-time data processing will allow much more rapid follow-up studies with the new generation of queue-scheduled large telescopes such as SALT.

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