
Plant genetic resources (PGRs) play an important role in agriculture, environment protection, cultural property and trade; they need to be conserved. There are two fundamental approaches for the conservation of PGRs: in situ and ex situ. In situ conservation is the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings. Ex situ preservation is the storage of seeds or plant materials under artificial conditions to maintain their long term viability and availability for use. Genebanks employ seed storage, field collections of living plants and in vitro storage (tissue culture or cryopreservation) for ex situ preservation of PGR. Storage of orthodox seeds, which are tolerant to low moisture content and low temperatures at appropriate temperature and humidity, is the most convenient ex situ conservation method. Plants that produce recalcitrant seeds or non-viable seeds are conserved in field genebanks as well as in-vitro in slow growth media for short-to-medium term and cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen at -1960C for long-term periods. Cryopreservation is very expensive and needs trained personnel; this could explain why this method is rarely used for conservation of plant genetic resources in most developing countries. Potato tubers are bulky and highly perishable; the crop is generally conserved as clones either in field genebanks (with annual replanting), in-vitro conservation in slow growth media for short-to-medium term and cryopreservation for long term. Field genebanks are expensive to maintain and the crop is exposed to many dangers; hence, cryopreservation is the only feasible method for long term conservation. However, given the high cost of cryopreservation, long-term conservation of potato genetic resources is poorly developed in most resource-poor countries leading to high rates of genetic erosion. This paper looks into the various methods that that can be applied to conserve potato genetic resources and the status of conservation of potatoes in major genebanks and some countries.

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