
Background The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System (PA-PSRS) is the largest database of patient safety event reports in the United States. In addition to over 4.5 million acute care reports, the PA-PSRS database contains more than 396,000 long-term care (LTC) healthcare-associated infection (HAI) reports. Methods LTC HAI data from PA-PSRS were extracted on March 1, 2023. Reports submitted by LTC facilities and specific care areas were included for infection rates each month if resident and device days were also entered in PA-PSRS for the facility and care area. Results A total of 20,216 infections were reported in 2022, representing a 12.5% increase from 2021. Overall, the reporting rate from LTC facilities increased from 0.77 in 2021 to 0.87 in 2022. Over half (56%) of the increase in overall rate is due to an increase in the respiratory tract infection rate, with another 27% due to an increase in the gastrointestinal infection rate. All six regions of the state had an increase in overall infection rate from 2021 to 2022. The North Central region of the state had the highest overall rate, as well as the largest increase in rate, with 1.14 reports per 1,000 resident days in 2022, which is an increase of 21.3% over the 2021 rate of 0.94. The Southeast region had the lowest overall rate, at 0.67, which is an 8.1% increase from 2021. The number of reports increased for all five infection types from 2021 to 2022, with gastrointestinal infections increasing the most percentagewise, by 67.7%. Of the 14 infection subtypes, 11 had an increase in number of reports from 2021 to 2022, with influenza showing the largest increase of 857 reports. Norovirus had a larger percentage increase of 942.9%, going from 70 reported infections in 2021 to 730 in 2022. The three subtypes that decreased in number had relatively smaller changes than the increases, with the largest of the decreases occurring with C. diff, which dropped by 29 reports from 2021 to 2022. Conclusions There was an increase in the total number and rate of infections reported to PA-PSRS in 2022. Patient Safety Authority infection preventionists continue to note operational challenges in LTC facilities and are providing ongoing education and guidance to enhance infection prevention and surveillance strategies and improve reporting of HAIs.

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