
We analysed the scaling behaviour of the two-dimensional (2-D) sequence (Δ s, Δ t) of the 1981–1998 southern California seismicity, where Δ s is the distance between two consecutive earthquakes (jump) and Δ t is their interevent interval. The 2-D seismic spatio-temporal fluctuations were investigated by means of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), well-known methodology used to detect scaling behaviour in observational time series possibly affected by nonstationarities. The estimated scaling exponents α DFA, larger than 0.5, indicate the presence of persistent long-range correlations in the 2-D sequence analysed. The variation of the scaling exponent with the increase of threshold magnitude shows a two-fold behaviour: in the range between 1.5 (the completeness magnitude of the catalog) and 3.0, the scaling exponent is quite constant and denoting a flicker-noise dynamics; while for magnitudes larger than 3.0 it decreases with the increase of magnitude, indicating a tendency toward a 2-D space–time Poissonian process for large events.

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