
Atomic short-range order is commonly observed in_CuMn alloys via a diffuse (1 ½ 0) peak inneutron diffraction patterns. There has been speculation for manyyears on the existence and nature of any corresponding long-rangeorder. A sample of Cu80Mn20 has been irradiated in ahigh fast-neutron flux to produce a large number of crystaldefects at around room temperature and thus facilitate theordering process. Measurements of the diffuse neutron scatteringfrom this sample demonstrate that long-range order has beeninduced in the sample, as evidenced by at least five Bragg peaks.This order is not seen in a reference sample prepared in identicalfashion except for the irradiation. The Cowley short-range orderparameters for both samples are calculated and a candidatestructure for the long-range order is proposed.

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