
AbstractElongated nectar‐feeding mouthparts have evolved in several fly families, most notably Nemestrinidae, Bombylidae and Tabanidae. Plants pollinated by these “long‐proboscid flies” tend to have relatively specialized pollination systems. In this review, I focus on the blood‐ and nectar‐feeding horsefly genus Philoliche (Tabanidae: Pangoniinae) which includes species that are important pollinators of plants in Africa and, to a lesser extent, in Asia. The nectar‐feeding mouthparts of flower‐visiting Philoliche species range from 5 to 65 mm in length, with considerable intraspecific variation evident in some taxa. Plants pollinated by Philoliche species tend to have corolla tubes (or highly exerted reproductive structures) that match the proboscis dimensions of their pollinators. Some Philoliche species and their nectar host plants show population‐level covariation in proboscis lengths and flower depths that is indicative of co‐adaptation. I summarize existing information on the distribution and morphology of Philoliche species known to pollinate flowers as well as the identity, morphology and nectar properties of plants pollinated by these insects. This survey identifies some Philoliche species as keystone pollinators. Distinct guilds of plants are adapted to different horsefly species in different geographical regions and are generally ecologically reliant on these insects, although some plant species share tabanid and nemestrinid pollinators that are functionally similar on account of convergent evolution of their proboscis dimensions. Lack of information about the larval biology, nectar host plants, fire ecology and dispersal distances of Philoliche species is the biggest challenge for the conservation of these specialized pollinators and the plants that depend on them.

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