
MR. H. B. WOODWARD, in his “Geology of England and Wales,” p. 28, states that, near Shrewsbury, the Longmynd Rocks are overlaid conformably by the Lingula Flags. I should be glad to see the evidence upon which this conclusion is based. So far as I have examined the district, the facts do not sustain Mr. Woodward's view. Arenig fossils are found at the very head of the ravines which cut back nearly to the quartzite of the Stiper Stones. The beds under the quartzite are similar in lithological character to the Arenig shales above, and I have not heard of the lower shales yielding Lingula flag fossils. At the base of the escarpment is the fault which separates the Stiper Stones rocks from the Longmynd beds. I believe the Stiper Stones beds are Arenig, in the absence of proof to the contrary. The quartzose band of the Stiper Stones may represent the arenaceous bed adopted by the Geological Survey as the base of the Arenig.

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