
Aims of the present study were to prospectively assess psychosocial functioning trajectories during the COVID pandemic and the possible impact of sociodemographic variables, as well as of COVID-19 pandemic-related factors, on these trajectories, in a sample of patients with pre-existing severe mental disorders. Moreover, we aimed at identifying predictors of impairment in psychosocial functioning over a period of 9 months of COVID-19 pandemic. Patients were recruited during the 3rd wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (T0, March–April 2021) while strict containment measures were applied in Italy, and reassessed after 3 months (T1, June–July 2021), and after 6 months from T1 (T2- November–December 2021), during the 4th wave of COVID pandemic. A sample of 300 subject (out of the 527 subjects recruited at baseline) completed the T2 evaluation. Patients were assessed by: Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) for psychosocial functioning, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item (GAD-7) for anxiety symptoms, Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depressive symptoms and the Impact of Events Scale-Revised, for post-traumatic symptoms. Cluster analyses identified 4 trajectories of functioning: the High, Stable Functioning group (N = 77), the Improvement Functioning group (N = 62), the Progressive Impairment group (N = 83) and the Persistent Severe Impairment group (N = 78) respectively. We found that predictors of higher WSAS score at T2 were higher WSAS score at T0 (B = 0.43, p < .001), PHQ scores at baseline >10 (B = 2.89, p < .05), while not living alone was found to be a protective factor (B = −2.5, p < .05).Results of the present study provides insights into the vulnerability of individuals with psychiatric disorders during times of crisis. Study findings can contribute to a better understanding of the specific needs of this population and inform interventions and support strategies.

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