
The aim of this study was to apply whole flock testing over time to determine the prevalence, distribution and spread of infection in a recently infected flock, with a view to planning intervention strategies for disease control. Serology, pooled faecal culture (PFC) and histology were used to determine the distribution and persistence of infection in a sheep flock in south east New South Wales between 1997 and 2002. Partial flock testing was done up to June 2000, after which annual whole flock testing, using PFC was performed. Faecal shedding of M a paratuberculosis was not detected in home-bred sheep until 7 years after the introduction of infected sheep in 1993. For at least 7 years there was clustering of infection and shedding within two age groups only. The infected groups appeared to have been exposed to infection (mycobacterial contamination) at an early age (<12 months) and commenced shedding at 5 years of age or older. Groups that were exposed to contamination as adults did not shed detectable amounts of M a paratuberculosis during the study period. Clustering of detectable infection in age groups of sheep that were exposed as lambs was a feature on this farm, providing indirect evidence of finite duration of survival of M a paratuberculosis on pasture and the influence of age on the susceptibility of sheep to develop detectable M a paratuberculosis infection. Spread of infection occurred very slowly and was probably related to the long incubation period (exposure to shedding interval) of 5 years observed on this farm. The findings suggest that partial flock culling, selective grazing management and vaccination could lead to a reduction in mycobacterial contamination on farm to a level at which patent infection no longer occurs. Better understanding of disease spread within flocks over time through flock profiling using PFC will help in devising surveillance strategies (including testing protocols for market assurance testing) to detect infected flocks where there has been clustering and slow spread of infection.

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