
Recently a mechanism of storage ring operation based on the steady-state microbunching has been proposed and investigated, which contains a laser cavity modulator providing the longitudinal focusing for the circulating microbunches. In this paper we analyze the impact of the coherent undulator radiation on the longitudinal single-bunch multi-turn collective dynamics, exploring a new possible instability mechanism. We formulate the multi-turn equations of motion for the single microbunch as two sets of difference equations in the modulator and in the remaining storage ring. The dispersion equation can then be obtained by introduction of the undulator-averaged phase space coordinates. The predicted instability growth rate shows reasonable agreement with the numerical turn-by-turn tracking simulations provided validity of the underlying assumptions. The analysis shall provide some insights for the coherent undulator radiation driven multi-turn instability in the cavity modulator. Differences between such a new instability mechanism and the Robinson instability in a conventional radio-frequency-based storage ring are also discussed.

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