
In the present work, the inelastic electron scattering for longitudinal and transverse form factors of 65Cu and 71Ga nuclei lies in the fp-shell region are studied in the framework of the shell model. The calculation is performed in the (1f5/2, 2p3/2, 2p1/2, 1g9/2) model space using jun45 effective interaction. The wavefunctions employed to conduct the shell model calculations are extracted from the jun45 effective interaction for these nuclei with the jj44 shell model space and (Sk35−Skzs ∗) residual interaction to evaluate the interactions matrix element between initial and final states. The effective charges used to account for the core-polarization (CP) effect are created using calculations of microscopic perturbations that include intermediate one-particle, one-hole excitation from the core and the model space (MS) orbits into all upper orbits with \(n\hslash \omega\) excitations following the same approach done in [Radhi et al. in Euro. Phys. J. A 50:1–9, 2014]. To account for the (CP) effects contribution, the inelastic form factor is obtained by employing the shape of Tassie and Bohr–Mottelson models with appropriate proton and neutron effective charges. The calculated form factors were compared with available experimental data.

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