
We study 1.3 µm diode lasers based onself-organized InAs quantum dots grown bymolecular beam epitaxy on GaAssubstrates. Overgrowing the InAs quantum dot array with a thinInGaAs layer allows us to achieve 1.3 µm emission and keepa sufficiently high surface density of quantum dots. Usingtransmission electron microscopy we show that the main reasonfor the long-wavelength PL shift in InAs/InGaAs quantum dots isnon-uniform distribution of In in InGaAs leading to the increasein effective volume of a quantum dot. Long-stripe lasers showedlow-threshold current density (<100 A cm-2), highdifferential efficiency (>50%) and low internal loss(~1-2 cm-1). The maximum output power for wide-stripelasers was as high as 2.7 W and for single-mode devices 110 mW.The lasing wavelength for VCSELs was 1.3 µm. The thresholdcurrent for the device with the 8 µm aperture was 1.8 mA.The output power of 220 µW at a drive current of 2.4 mA wasobserved under pulsed mode.

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