
Abstract. Drought is a devastating natural hazard that is difficult to define, detect and quantify. The increased availability of both meteorological and remotely sensed data provides an opportunity to develop new methods to identify drought conditions and characterize how drought changes over space and time. In this paper, we applied the surface energy balance model, SEBS (Surface Energy Balance System), for the period 2001–2018, to estimate evapotranspiration and other energy fluxes over the dehesa area of the Iberian Peninsula, with a monthly temporal resolution and 0.05∘ pixel size. A satisfactory agreement was found between the fluxes modeled and the measurements obtained for 3 years by two flux towers located over representative sites (RMSD = 21 W m−2 and R2=0.76, on average, for all energy fluxes and both sites). The estimations of the convective fluxes (LE and H) showed higher deviations, with RMSD = 26 W m−2 on average, than Rn and G, with RMSD = 15 W m−2. At both sites, annual evapotranspiration (ET) was very close to total precipitation, with the exception of a few wet years in which intense precipitation events that produced high runoff were observed. The analysis of the anomalies of the ratio of ET to reference ET (ETo) was used as an indicator of agricultural drought on monthly and annual scales. The hydrological years 2004/2005 and 2011/2012 stood out for their negative values. The first one was the most severe of the series, with the highest impact observed on vegetation coverage and grain production. On a monthly scale, this event was also the longest and most intense, with peak negative values in January–February and April–May 2005, explaining its great impact on cereal production (up to 45 % reduction). During the drier events, the changes in the grasslands' and oak trees' ground cover allowed for a separate analysis of the strategies adopted by the two strata to cope with water stress. These results indicate that the drought events characterized for the period did not cause any permanent damage to the vegetation of dehesa systems. The approach tested has proven useful for providing insight into the characteristics of drought events over this ecosystem and will be helpful to identify areas of interest for future studies at finer resolutions.


  • Drought, which is a devastating natural hazard and is globally widespread, has complex consequences across spatiotemporal scales and sectors

  • A satisfactory agreement was found between the fluxes modeled and the measurements obtained for 3 years by two flux towers located over representative sites (RMSD = 21 W m−2 and R2 = 0.76, on average, for all energy fluxes and both sites)

  • Insurance services have started to offer insurance for damage to pasture production caused by water stress, providing farmers with a means to recover after a disaster

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Drought, which is a devastating natural hazard and is globally widespread, has complex consequences across spatiotemporal scales and sectors. The two canopies of this ecosystem, grasslands and trees/shrubs, suffer from different stresses: (i) the pasture production is reduced or lost, with a direct economic consequence resulting from the need to supplement animal feeding and, in more severe situations, the death or premature sale of animals; (ii) the decline. González-Dugo et al.: Long-term drought assessment of Mediterranean oak savanna and dieback of trees affect the ecosystem structure, jeopardizing the long-term conservation of the system (Fenshan and Holman, 1999). The slow onset of drought, the large extension of savanna areas and their complex canopy structure introduce additional difficulties to the challenge of monitoring drought and assessing its adverse effects

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