
Twenty four years (1977 2000) of competition shore angling catch and effort data from the Natal Coastal Anglers Union for the Transkei were analysed. Of a total of 71 species recorded, the most commonly caught species were Pomatomus saltatrix (19%), Rhinobatos annulatus (13%) and Sphyrna spp. (11%). By mass, most of the catch was made up of Sphyrna spp. (31%) and a combination of Carcharhinus brachyurus and Carcharhinus obscurus (15%). Owing predominantly to changes in targeting of effort, annual dominance of catches varied considerably over the period, with contributions of R. annulatus, P. saltatrix, Argyrosomus japonicus, Sphyrna spp., C. brachyurus and C. obscurus decreasing considerably while contributions of Plotosus nkunga, Pachymetopon grande, Neoscorpis lithophilus, Dinoperca petersi, Lichia amia and Scylliogaleus quecketti increased. Mean overall annual catch per unit effort (cpue) by number and mass showed a non significant increase over the period. None of the top species recorded showed significant trends in mean annual individual mass. The majority of A. japonicus (94%), C. taurus (86%), C. brachyurus (100%) and C. obscurus (100%) recorded were immature. All recorded catches of the commonest species, with the exception of A. japonicus (6% undersize), were larger than the relevant minimum legal size limits.

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