
Corn (Zea mays L.) grain composition is important for human and livestock nutrition, when used as seed, and for ethanol production. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of common cultural practices on corn grain composition. This study was conducted to determine whether corn grain elemental composition is affected by tillage practices (tillage or no-tillage), and whether tillage affects grain, protein, and oil yield, and removal of elements from the field in grain. The concentration of protein, oil, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, and B, and grain yield were determined in years 20 and 22 of long-term tillage and no-tillage treatments. Tillage treatment did not affect any grain component across both years of sampling, but Cu concentrations were greater under no-tillage in one year. Grain, oil, and protein yield was not affected by tillage treatments across years, but was greater one year under tillage and one year under no-till. The removal of P and Fe was greater under tillage in 2010, and that of Ca and Mn was greater under no-till in 2012. Removal of Cu was greater one year under tillage and one year under no-tillage. Correlation and principle components analysis suggests that there are some differences in the relationships among the grain components between tillage treatments. However, results indicate that tillage is not a dominant factor affecting corn grain composition and removals of nutrients are dominated by grain yield and not the concentration in the grain.

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