
Supportable programs were embodied in 17 Supportable Development Goals and approved in the 2030 agenda of the United Nations Organization, to avoid environmental degradation and establish a more prosperous world, with peace and justice in the eradication of poverty. The objective of this research was to characterize the different stages of supportable programs for railway systems in the long term, considering the useful life of the railway infrastructure and the dependence on subsidies. However, the long-term supportable programs of rail systems supported by subsidies have the possibility of reaching a stage of maturity at the same time as the economic explosion of the environment, on the other hand, the longterm supportable programs of rail systems that do not have subsidies are intended for inoperability and lack of reinvestment. A mixed methodological analysis was carried out to identify the subsidy. parameters used by the supportable development programs in railway systems in their different stages of the project. Sources of formal and informal scientific, technical, and empirical information were the basis for identifying the strategic sources of subsidies that generate stability and quality of service.

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