
Long term satellite observations over more than one decade of several aerosols parameters, i.e., AOD550 nm, AE, COT, UV-AI and ASA have been analyzed to describe their overall monthly and seasonally climatology over least explored region of Western Indian sites. It has been found that maximum aerosols loading characteristics of coarse aerosols of dust mineral origin in May and minimum aerosols values in December month at selected arid sites and semi-arid site. Aerosol variables in noon hours seem to their two time higher values than their fore-noon magnitude at all selected places. Observed findings may be interpreted in view of mixed effect of increasing accumulation of regional and local aerosols emission activities. An significant long term trend in aerosols variable of positive values of more 47% in AE and 25% in AOD 550 nm itself would be indicated due to the extra-enhancement in human made activities of more than 10% in term of population growth, population density, transportation vehicles, industries as the enhancement in local anthropogenic aerosols production sources specially over western arid sites. Thus, the abundance of fine size of anthropogenic aerosols is found to be systematically enhanced in the last decade, which is serious concern to both climate and air pollution change aspect over western Indian region also in similar to other Indian regions.

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