
The author describes a comprehensive strategy for Ukraine till 2030 that includes both short- and long-term priorities. In the shorter term, Ukraine’s defense sector needs reorganization and modernization in a number of areas from mobilization to production of drones, along with urgent reforms in other sectors aimed at economic revival, effective state budget planning, and modernization of education. In the longer term, extensive reforms are required to make Ukraine a sustainable, prosperous, and well-defended nation. Economic growth based on Ukraine’s traditionally strong sectors (IT and agriculture), revived defense industry, innovations, structural reforms, upgraded infrastructure, and energy independence should help attract investment, which is a prerequisite for creation of new jobs. Revival of Ukraine’s labor market, along with effective anti-corruption and demographic policies and education reform, are required to retain people in Ukraine and provide an incentive for refugees to come back. As for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration, there is a need for substantial discussion, work of diplomats, military agencies, experts, civil society, etc., as well as much closer coordination between the Defense and Security Sector and other parts of the government of Ukraine. Ukraine has strategic international importance for global stability, food and energy security. Ukraine needs assistance with bringing aggressors to responsibility. Support of Ukraine by our allies is in the interest of both sides in order to strengthen our collective defense and deterrence.

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