
To assess the long-term results of the Provox ActiValve, a prosthesis for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy that was designed to lessen the need for frequent replacements caused by Candida and "underpressure." Retrospective assessment of device lifetime, indications for replacement, voice quality, and maintenance issues, measured by a structured trial specific questionnaire, in a cohort of 42 laryngectomized patients, experiencing a short Provox2 device lifetime (median, 21 days). The median device lifetime of Provox ActiValve, replaced for leakage through the device and those still in situ at the date of data collection (N = 32), was 337 days (mean 376 days): a statistically significant 16-fold increase compared to the Provox2 prosthesis (P < .001). In 10 patients, replacement was fistula-related (median after 86 days): esophageal pouch (N = 4), fistula granulation (N = 3), extrusion of the device (N = 2), and periprosthetic leakage (N = 1). Eighty-six percent of the patients used a special lubricant to diminish "stickiness" of the valve. Provox ActiValve was preferred by 90% of the patients who completed the trial-specific questionnaire. For patients requiring frequent device-related replacements, Provox ActiValve, also long-term, provides a true solution and thereby is a valuable addition to prosthetic voice rehabilitation.

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