
To report the long-term outcome of utilization of a silicone stent to support the management of a permanent tracheostomy. Short case series. Two client-owned brachycephalic dogs. Two brachycephalic dogs with stage III laryngeal collapse underwent permanent tracheostomy. After the tracheostomy had healed, a silicone stent was inserted to support the stoma and facilitate home care. One dog wore a commercially available silicone stent for the follow-up period of 2 years. For the dog in Case 2, a 3D-printed, medical-grade silicone stent with an increased length was designed, as the dog had developed skin sores from the commercial device. Both dogs tolerated the silicone stent well. Stent care was managed by the owners without need for assistance. They reported that the silicone stent facilitated cleaning of the stoma surroundings and that they felt an increased confidence in airway patency, as the device prevented the tracheal stoma from collapsing. In Case 1, tracheoscopy 1 year after first stent insertion revealed minimal visible changes to the tracheal stoma. In Case 2, the 3D printed silicone stent led to a remission of skin sores and the dog wore the device comfortably until succumbing to an unrelated disease 13 months later. The insertion of a silicone stent is a simple and cost-effective method to improve home care of dogs with permanent tracheostomy. Larger dogs, as in Case 2, may benefit from custom-designed 3D-printed stents.

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