
High-frequency and reliable data on cyanobacteria blooming over a long time period is crucial to identify the outbreak mechanism of blooms and to forecast future trends. However, in cloudy and rainy areas, it is difficult to retrieve useful satellite images, especially in the rainy season. To address this problem, we used data from the HJ-1/CCD (Chinese environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting satellite/charge coupled device), GF-1/WFV (Chinese high-resolution satellite/wide field of view), and Landsat-8/OLI (Operational Land Imager) satellites to generate a time series of the bloom area from 2009 to 2016 in Dianchi Lake, China. We then correlated the responses of bloom dynamics to meteorological factors. Several findings can be drawn: (1) a higher bloom frequency and a larger bloom area occurred in 2011, 2013, and 2016, compared to the other years; (2) the frequency of blooms peaked in April, August, and November each year and expanded from north to south starting in July; (3) air temperature in spring and sunshine hours in summer greatly correlated to the yearly bloom area; (4) wind speed and sunshine hours strongly affected the short-term expansion of blooms and thereafter influenced the monthly bloom scale; and (5) rainfall had a strong short-term influence on the occurrence of blooms. Cyanobacteria blooms often occurred when wind speeds were less than 2.35 ± 0.78m/s in the dry season and 2.01 ± 0.75m/s in the rainy season, when there were 48 to 72h of sunshine in the dry season and 35 to 57h of sunshine in the rainy season, and when there was more than 10mm of daily precipitation.

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