
While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, with relistic hope that will be solved with adequate vacination, more and more evidences are collected about the presence of psychi-atric and neurological manifestations and symptoms associated with this diseas. Neurological manifestations, are part of the COVID-19 clinical picture, but questions remain regarding the frequency and severity of centra nervous system symptoms, the mechanism of action underlying neurological symptoms, and the relationship of symptoms with the course and severity of COVID-19. The review of the so far published papers shows that although more and more papers are reporting neuro-logical and psyhiatric manifestations associated with COVID-19, many items remain unclear. The long-term psychological implications of this infectious diseases should not be ignored. In this paper, we aim to present a some of psychological consequences and neurological disorders associat-ed with the SARS-CoV-2 infection, and to emphasize the need a global action that requires close coordination and open-data sharing between hospitals, academic and public health institutions and the fast establishment of harmonised research priorities to face acut and long-term the neurological and psychological consequences.

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