
The renovation of public lighting installations by replacing the traditional systems with LED technologies and introducing smart lighting control systems is a policy widely adopted to contain energy consumption and expenditure. Additionally, the long-term monitoring of the depreciation of the new lighting systems is a crucial issue. The aim of this study is to report the results of in-field measurements of new LED lighting systems in the city of Turin (Italy). A method was defined to assess: (i) energy performance (through data from the remote-control system); (ii) photometric performance (through in-field measurement campaigns); and (iii) depreciation of the photometric performance over a period of approximately 5 years. Results demonstrated that the new LED systems allow us to achieve an average energy saving of 51% compared to the ex-ante condition, improving the photometric performances and compiling the standard requirements by lowering the over-illumination levels. Moreover, the measured depreciation of the LED systems over time was compared with the predicted depreciation, estimated based on the calculation method proposed in Standards BS 5489-1:2020 and ISO/CIE TS 22012:2019. The results obtained showed that the measured depreciation of the photometric performance was closer to the predicted depreciation trend according to BS 5489-1:2020 (variations between 0% and 4%), while greater variations (between 17% and 23%) emerged considering the ISO/CIE TS 22012:2019.

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