
Hyperspectral radiances from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) are used as a reference to improve the calibration accuracy for FengYun-2 (FY-2) infrared (IR) channel radiances. It is shown that the previous FY-2 operational calibration for IR bands produces significant bias in brightness temperatures that can exceed 1.1 K. In particular, the FY-2 IR3 band (6.7 μm) has the largest bias of 2.0 K. The daytime double-difference temperature (DDT) between AIRS and IASI using FY-2 imagers as a transfer medium showed an excellent consistency, is within 0.2 K at 290 K, and is stable over time for FY-2C/2D/2E. This only indicates the robust calibrations applied for both the AIRS and IASI measurements. During the nighttime of the Earth observation, stray light in space affects the long-term stability of the FY-2 DDT, particularly for the Earth scene at 220 K. FY-2E satellite which was launched in 2009 has an instrument design improvement. Intercalibrating FY-2 four times using AIRS and IASI data can reveal the diurnal features of the FY-2 instrument calibration. The temporal DDT appears very large during the spring and autumn eclipse times. Not only can the global-space-based-intercalibration-system intercalibration method provide an excellent operational calibration for the FY-2 imager, but it can also help improve the design of future instruments and onboard blackbody calibration.

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