
IntroductionCloacal exstrophy (CE) is the most severe malformation of the exstrophy-epispadias complex. This study aims to discuss long-term sequela in a single major institution with a high volume of CE patients. Materials and methodsA prospectively maintained database of 1490 patients on the exstrophy epispadias spectrum (145 cloacal exstrophy) from 1974 to 2023. The patient database was reviewed for CE patients >10 years of age for genitourinary, gastrointestinal, orthopedic, and psychosocial outcomes. ResultsA total of 63 patients (43.4%) with ≥10 years of follow up were included for analysis. Thirty-nine (61.9%) patients were 18 years or older. Twenty-two (34.9%) patients were female and 39 (61.9%) male, 14 of whom were gender converted at birth. Two female patients conceived naturally and delivered via cesarean section. No male born CE patients had biological children. Catheterizable channels were common (45/63, 71.4%) and most (88.9%) were continent. Gastrointestinal diversion was managed mostly by colostomy (37/63, 58.7%). Three out of five (60.0%) patients who underwent PSARP were continent of stool. Twenty-two (34.9%) patients were wheelchair-bound. Psychosocial diagnoses included 52.4% (33/63) patients with anxiety/depression and 27.0% with chronic pain. Out of 56 patients evaluated by physical therapy, 75% were independent in ADL performance. Of patients older than 18, 79.5% (31/39) had attended college and 82.1% (32/39) were gainfully employed. ConclusionAdvances in critical care, nutrition, gastrointestinal, orthopedic, and urologic management have resulted in survival rates approaching 100% among patients with CE. While these children face long-term sequela spanning various organ systems, many lead independent and fully-functional lives. Type of StudyPrognosis Study. Level of EvidenceLevel IV.

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