
The purpose of this first-time long-term observational study was to evaluate the changes of the caudal lumbar spine at the locations L5/6, L6/7, and L7/S1 in 5 German shepherd dogs over a 6-year time period using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The dogs had a mean age of 26 months at the time of the first examination. In addition, it was evaluated whether a breeding examination, with regard to disc degeneration, is justified in young dog. The locations L7/S1, L6/7, and L5/6 were examined in more detail with regard to their signal intensity changes, the facet joint angle changes in dorsal (dors) and transverse (trans) planes, and disc surface changes in sagittal (sag) and transverse (trans) reconstruction planes with CT and MRT in 2015 and 2021. All data were collected computer-based and analyzed statistically. Subsequently, the results were compared to the measured signal intensity and to the subjective disc degeneration grading according to Seiler used in practice. Over the period of 6 years a significant loss of the measured signal intensity of the intervertebral discs in the transverse plane and an overall facet joint widening in the transverse plane of 0.54° as well as in the dorsal plane of 1.8° was evident. In addition, there was no evidence of a relationship between the size of the facet joint angle and the degree of disc degeneration. Furthermore, regardless of the initial degree of degeneration, the discs showed low signal intensity and higher Seiler grade during follow-up. The results of the present study group indicate that an inconspicuous condition of the lumbar intervertebral discs at the time of the initial breeding examination in the young dog does not allow an accurate prediction of the subsequent degree of degeneration and that there are ongoing remodeling processes at the facet joints even in healthy German shepherd dogs.

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