
Abstract o 1. Female chickens receiving a single sublethal whole-body exposure of 500 R of γ-irradiation at 8 days of age failed to respond fully to an estrone-challenge administered during the latter portion of their first egg-laying cycle. 2. Usual increases in estrogen-induced serum phosvitin, total serum lipids and serum apoprotein B (for serum low density lipoproteins) were not forthcoming. 3. Injection of estrogenic substances into previously irradiated hens over a period of 3 days also resulted in a lesser enlargement (by cell division) of livers. 4. The above differences were accompanied by decrements in increase of total liver RNA in irradiated birds, bolstering the concept of a permanently lowered potential for synthesis by their livers of the above named serum yolk protein precursors.

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