
Selective browsing by cervids has persistent impacts on forest ecosystems. On Anticosti Island, Quebec, Canada, introduced white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann, 1780)) have caused massive changes to the native boreal forest. Despite the apparent stability of the deer population over recent decades, we suspected that they were not at equilibrium with their browse supply and that further degradation of the habitat had occurred. A comparison of two browse surveys conducted 25 years apart showed a strong decline in browse availability. Although balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) P. Mill.) remained the most available browse species, it declined or disappeared from most stands (n = 13). Preferred deciduous species that were still available 25 years ago have almost disappeared. The continuous decline of the browse supply confirmed our hypothesis. This situation may be exacerbated by a subsidy from the winter litterfall, a significant and stable alternative food source. The abundance of litterfall from mature trees is independent of browsing over a long time period, which introduces a temporal uncoupling between the impact of deer browsing on balsam fir seedlings and the negative feedback from recruitment failure of mature balsam fir on the deer population. This means that the system is susceptible to being forced into an alternative regime.

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