
Older people express a preference for home and community-based care over skilled nursing, realizing that preference, however, is dependent upon having those options available. The present exploratory study uses publicly available data to understand if the geographic availability of long-term care options-skilled nursing, assisted living, home health, and homemaker/companion services-are equally distributed by demographics in Florida. Regression analyses showed that the percent 65 and older and the percent in poverty in a county were not related to long-term care availability or quality. Findings indicate that Hispanic older people have less access to nursing home beds, greater access to home health and homemaker/companion agencies, and tend to live in counties with a greater number of assisted living facility (ALF) deficiencies while Black older people have greater access to homemaker services. Rural counties had lower rates of home health and homemaker/companion agencies and fewer ALF deficiencies. The 65 and older population would benefit from the increased availability of long-term care options near the communities in which they live.

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